Keeping your website current and healthy. WordPress is constantly under development and improvement providing added functionality, fixing known bugs … [Read more..]

Building Quality WordPress Websites with Studiopress Genesis
Keeping your website current and healthy. WordPress is constantly under development and improvement providing added functionality, fixing known bugs … [Read more..]
Cheetham Designs has many years of designing websites from scratch and have decided that using WordPress plus Genesis and StudioPress Themes is the … [Read more..]
Our portfolio contains examples and images of our current websites we have built. Most are built using Studiopress Genesis, and their Premium Child … [Read More...]
Do you need to Technical Support, AMM Activation Code, Pay an Invoice, order 3D Sports Motion Capture Art? You will find a list of all those here. To … [Read more]
This is the first of four methods to change the default Genesis favicon for a WordPress Genesis theme. Method 1 is to use the Genesis - Favicon Uploader. This is the easiest method to change the favicon. Download the Genesis Favicon Uploader on … [Read more]
Changing the default favicon in the Genesis theme is pretty easy but first you should understand what a Favicon is. Favicons stand for Favorite Icon. They are the small 16 by 16 pixels image next to the URL in the address bar and next to … [Read more]
Here is a infographic for Social media users. This will help you determine the sizes for your profile pictures, headers, cover image just to start, for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linked In and Youtube. The infographic was designed by Raidious … [Read more]
Well this was a challenge! I moved a WordPress blog from a subdomain to the root. The links were there but the images were not showing up! I did a lot of searching on Google and tried some of the following suggestions: Under General Settings I … [Read more]