Keeping your website current and healthy. WordPress is constantly under development and improvement providing added functionality, fixing known bugs … [Read more..]

Building Quality WordPress Websites with Studiopress Genesis
Keeping your website current and healthy. WordPress is constantly under development and improvement providing added functionality, fixing known bugs … [Read more..]
Cheetham Designs has many years of designing websites from scratch and have decided that using WordPress plus Genesis and StudioPress Themes is the … [Read more..]
Our portfolio contains examples and images of our current websites we have built. Most are built using Studiopress Genesis, and their Premium Child … [Read More...]
Do you need to Technical Support, AMM Activation Code, Pay an Invoice, order 3D Sports Motion Capture Art? You will find a list of all those here. To … [Read more]
The Thesis theme has made it real easy to remove the Word Press admin link from the footer. This requires NO knowledge of html, php, or css! Simply go to the Thesis "Site Options" panel, and click on "Design Options". Under "Display Options" you will … [Read more]
The default location for the Thesis navigation menu is above the header image. Moving the navigation menu below the header is easy. Just add the following lines of code to the custom_functions.php. //Remove the navigation menu from the top of the … [Read more]
You can remove the Thesis footer or attribution only if you have the developers license to Thesis. Removing the footer link is real easy. Just add the following lines of code to the custom_functions.php. /* Remove Thesis footer … [Read more]